To know oneself means to be one with one’s own Divine Being, one’s own Spirit, to experience directly the identification of the known with the Knower. This is what we define as Self-knowledge.

The fundamental thing in life is to truly come to know oneself: Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is the objective of our existence?, What do we live for?

Certainly, knowing oneself is essential; people believe they know themselves, while in fact, they do not. Therefore, it is necessary to work on we in order to reach complete self-knowledge. Such a process requires incessant self-observation. We must see ourselves as we really are.

Unfortunately, people readily admit that they have a physical body. They accept it as a fact because they can see it and touch it, but their psyche is a bit different. Certainly, as they can’t see it or touch their own psyche, it becomes something vague, which they do not understand. When a person starts to observe himself, it is a clear sign that he has the intention to change.

Whoever in truth wants to know the “Inner Worlds” of the planet Earth, of our Solar System, or of our galaxy, he must first know his own intimate world, his internal life, his own ‘Inner Worlds’.

“Know yourself and you will know the Universe and its Gods”. Each one of us has his own Divine Wisdom that comes from the Real Inner Being. We know that God is everywhere, but do we know our own Inner Divinity? We never find time to get to know our inner world. Doing it does not seem important to us. However, it is crucial to perform this work consciously.


Matter: Our physical body, the human machine. We have it, but it is not all we are.

  • Soul or Mind: the 97% of trapped Essence. It is the Psychic Energy, which is the origin of all our movements. We do not know it, even though we spend more time living in our inner world than in the external world. Here we find all our different dispositions, our defects.
  • Spirit or Consciousness: the 3% of free and conscious Essence, our Divine Wisdom. Which is real, true, eternal and immortal in every one of us. It is the deep inner Knower of each person, which doesn’t belong to time and never passes away.

To reach Inner knowledge we must study the four pillars of wisdom, which will allow us to slowly penetrate in that world called oneself.



Experimenting is the fundament of conscious science. Science teaches us different procedures to be able to know our inner world and to experience it directly.

The word “Knowledge” derives from knowing, not from believing. Through the practice we can directly experience the different dimensions of nature.

We teach the following practices:

  • Concentration
  • Relaxation
  • Conscious Astral Projection
  • Meditation
  • Retrospection
  • Karma Negotiation
  • Karma Cancellation
  • Etc…

Practice makes the master, we shall practice until we triumph.


Art teaches us to Create. How to create ourselves. In the Sexual Center resides the greatest potential of a human being.

Supra-sex or superior sex allows us to create the Superior Existential Bodies of Our Inner Being so that we can have representation in the different dimensions of nature.

This is accomplished through the sexual union of a man and a woman: the masculine phallus penetrating the feminine yoni without losing the Creative Sexual Energy.


  • Do the Belilin and Magic Circle conjurations.
  • Ask your Inner Father and divine Mother to assist you in this practice.
  • Begin with caresses and kisses, in order to achieve the perfect lubrication of the Feminine Yoni for penetration.
  • Connection or penetration of the phallus into yoni (penis into vagina)
  • Start the Respiratory Process that consists of three stages:
  1. Inhalation: (20 seconds) Imagine the air entering lungs and then direct it to sexual glands.
  2. Retention: (20 seconds) Imagine and feel a golden thread that ascends along the spine until it reaches the point between the eyebrows.
  3. Exhalation: (20 seconds) Vocalize slowly and prolong the mantras: IIIIII, AAAAA, OOOO, Vowel per vowel, repeating all respiratory process for each vowel.
  • Disconnect from your partner without spilling the sexual energy.


There are many people living inside us, we are never the same person. Sometimes a mean and irritable person manifest in us; in any other moment a splendid and a kind one; later a scandalous or slanderous person; later a saint; then a liar, etc.

Our Energy is trapped in each one of our psychological defects: we are human-machines, mere puppets moved by invisible threads. We lack the Real Individuality; every psychological defect moves in a different direction, we are never the same person.

When we seriously auto-observe our inner world, we will be surprised with a number of flaws we have. Each one of our psychological defects is a different person.

By eliminating any of the defects, the consciousness that was trapped in it is liberated. With the Death of each one of the selves, we recover the Wisdom and Love, which were caught inside. This way, the liberated sparks of consciousness unify themselves with the Free Consciousness.

Method to release the Conscience:

  1. Self-observe in every instant so that we can discover the different defects that manifest.
  2. A discovered defect must be judged until getting to comprehension.
  3. Once comprehended you must get rid of it through a disintegration request to your particular Divine Mother.
  4. With this simple procedure we can change the way we behave, eliminating detail by detail, releasing the consciousness that was trapped inside each one of our psychological defects. This process is called an ongoing death.


Mysticism teaches us to love the job, both the inner and the outer. A person starts to know the inner world when he has started to experience, and to prove the reality about his Own Particular Being.

When working on the Creation of the Superior Bodies, on the elimination of our defects, and on Sacrifice for humanity, it becomes necessary to develop love for the job we are doing, for the work itself. This is one of the most di icult things, due to the condition in which we find ourselves.

When we develop uninterested sacrifice for humanity, we start to experience Love for all mankind. We then vibrate with the wonderful force of Love, and we experience a very important change in each one of our cells.

Only through practice and direct experimentation it is possible to be perfecting our capability of doing, to which we will call Mysticism because Love without work is impossible.


  1. Self-realization of the Being.
  1. Regeneration of the Human being.
  1. Liberation of all our Consciousness.
  1. Creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.
  1. Knowledge of all the Laws.
  1. Knowledge of the Superior Dimensions.
  1. To incarnate our individual Christ.
  1. To resurrect in oneself.
  1. To achieve the sacred individuality

Are 75 practical conferences that cover the 4 pillars, free entry and open to everyone interested. We invite you to attend the classes in one of our conference rooms.

End Conference 01.

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