To know oneself means to be one with one’s own Divine Being, one’s own Spirit, to experience directly the identification of the known…
To know oneself means to be one with one’s own Divine Being, one’s own Spirit, to experience directly the identification of the known…
The ignorance about death is the reason why most people are afraid of it and they do not see in death the final…
Why is it called Astral Projection? Projection Because it consists on taking out an inner double or Soul, a body exactly like the…
The objectives of this lecture are: To know which centers we possess internally. To know how they work, what energy they consume, where…
¿WHAT IS A DIMENSION? A dimension is a Level of Conscience. There are as many dimensions as there are levels of consciousness. in…
CONJURATION OF BELILIN: It removes away negative forces from the environment (larvae, black magicians, etc.) We need to be concentrated in our heart,…
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