Man, know yourself and you will know the universe and divinity.

The awakening of consciousness lies in Self-Knowledge, which is based on the four pillars of Universal Wisdom.

The four pillars of wisdom

In the pursuit of inner knowledge, all the great cultures of antiquity worked with the four pillars of wisdom in an integrated and balanced way. Over time, these four pillars became divorced from one another, their essence was adulterated, and they no longer pursued fundamental wisdom.Science, Art, Psychology, and Mysticism are the four columns upon which the temple of universal wisdom stands.

The Self-Knowledge conferences are based on the deep study of these four pillars with the goal of achieving the self-realization of the Being, inner enlightenment, the Awakening of Consciousness, or the Revolution of Consciousness.

SCIENCE: 🚀Beyond beliefs, there is the possibility of verifying everything learned, you can experiment through techniques of Relaxation, Concentration, Meditation, Astral Projection and Karma Negotiation, among others.

ART:🔥There is a creative power that will lead you to the development of the latent capacities and faculties within you. You will learn to use your Sexual Creative Energy consciously.

PSYCHOLOGY:☠ You will know how to eliminate Psychological Defects that cause Stress and problems such as Anger, Fears, Attachments, Vices and Bad habits..

MYSTIC OR SERVICE:📢Happiness and love are easier to achieve when you help others, you will discover your mission on this planet…

You can join the WhatsApp group in which we will be sending the links to access the course conferences, guided practices and the complementary material of each topic.
All the conferences and material will be shared for free.

Learn to live

Wake up, everything in this world is an illusion, even our problems…

75 lectures

Phase A Conferences


The objective of this lecture is to know that as it happens in Planet Earth, the same way happens in our inner world….

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The aim of this conference is to know each of the seven bodies, their functions, development, nature, laws it manages and how we…

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This conference has two objectives: 1- Show the urgency of the elimination of these two defects, since they make impossible any progress in the…

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Live conferences


Join the group in which we will be sending the links to access the course conferences, guided practices and the complementary material of each topic.
All the conferences and material will be shared for free.


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