The ignorance about death is the reason why most people are afraid of it and they do not see in death the final goal or objective of everything. If a person truly understand what death is, then he would not fear it anymore, and he would be able to venture into mysteries of Life and Death.
“The purpose for living is to die” and we have no other different task to accomplish. We are born to die, and we die to be born. If the seed does not die the plant cannot be born. Death is the end of something. Death liberates in all the cases.
We are entitled to return on 324000 physical bodies, going through physical death. All this will happen mechanically if we do not understand the importance of the psychological death, which allows us to achieve the intimate self-realization of our Being in one existence.
There are three types of death, which are closely related, and it’s not possible to study one of them without studying the other two.
A. The death of the physical body.
B. The second death.
C. The psychological death.
A. Let’s study the DEATH OF THE PHYSICAL Body process.
It begins with a state of catalepsy that lasts 72 hours, where the physical body is apparently dead, but this state can be suspended at any moment, which means that the deceased would return to life in this lapse of time.
Three judgments take place during these 72 hours in the following way:
– First Judgment: In the first five (5) minutes the disembodied does a conscious retrospection of each one of its deeds in this existence. He observes carefully every event of his lived existence, and when he goes back to the very moment of his birth, he compares the lived existence with the plan he had for it.
– Second Judgment: It takes place approximately twenty-four (24) hours later, in presence of the Lords of Divine Law, here two thingsare considered:
- The atomic weight of each one of the psychological elements.
- The amount of them (quantity).
Then, they are compared with the ones that the disembodied had at the end of his previous existence, in order to determine whether these increased or decreased.
– Third Judgment: Approximately after 48 hours, the soul of the dead is taken to the Tribunal of Objective Justice. Here, three thingsare judged:
The weight of good and bad deeds of each one of his Selves (Acts of the existence).
The Number of times that each one of these psychological elements was manifested during the existence.
The measurement of fire in the spinal medulla.
At the end of this process, a sum and subtraction of fractions is done, this is going to determine various things: The Karma this soul will have in the next existence, and the electro-psychic design of his new personality (if the soul is entitled to a new existence).
When this judgment comes to an end, Anubis, the Hierarch of the Objective Justice, commands the Angel of Death to cut the silver cord of the disembodied and release him from his physical body. But the Death Angel ask for permission to the Divine Mother of this person; If the Angel of Death is authorized, he cuts the silver cord with the ray of death; this process could take up to 24 hours; If the divine Mother does not authorize the ray of the death, the dying must return to his body before seventy-two (72) hours.
Unfortunately, nowadays almost nobody is aware of these processes, formerly known by all the tribes and peoples of the planet and the dying people are buried alive or they are autopsied before the 72 hours pass. This could be avoided if people would know better the process of death and were not so afraid of it. With a funeral of seventy-two (72) hours it could be avoided.
Once the Angel of Death has done his job, three alternatives are open to the disembodied:
If he has completed his 108 existences, his soul must submerge itself in involution in the infra-dimensions of planet Earth. It will not get out from there until it passes through the Second Death, or until it achieves the total liberation of its essence.
If he has not completed 108 existences yet, his soul will be moved to Limbo, where he will wait for his next physical body, where he will do continuous retrospections about his previous existence. If he worked with the Sacred Fire and increased its level, Anubis the Hierarch authorizes vacations in the heaven for this soul, and the Divine Mother of the disembodied will give him strength and instructions so that in the next physical body this soul can work towards the Self-Realization of its Being.

When one does not work on oneself, the Psyche (i.e. Soul) is lost after the completion of 108 existences. This soul is taken to abyss, it penetrates the Dante’s Nine Circles, from where it will not get out until nature disintegrates all the defects that were created during the several existences. After thousands of years of su ering and decomposition, when essence is totally pure, the liberation from the abyss is achieved. This step is called the Second Death. The totally free Essence comes out to the sunlight, where it will restart a new evolution, starting once again from the mineral kingdom.

This one sets us free from the constant slavery in which the various Selves or Ways of Being of oneself keep us in.
We have millions of psychological defects (i.e. sins) which manifest during the daily life and deplete our energies permanently in an unnecessary manner.
There are all kinds of defects: anger, impatience, irritability, greed, ambition, worry, deceit, lie, fear, jealousy, lust, fornication, adultery, vanity, conceit, self-love, self-consideration, self-sympathy, su ering, pride, bad will, discouragement, displeasure, disgust, laziness, idleness, curiosity, the , cheating, sleeping, begging, splurge, alcoholism, drug addiction, degeneration, gluttony, envy, etc, etc, etc.As the poet from Mantua said: “even if we had a steel’s palate and thousands tongues we will not be able to totality enumerate them”.
Each one of these psychological defects has a small portion of our conscience trapped, which gives life to the defect. When a psychological defect dies, the trapped spark of conscience gets released. This spark is the real part of the defect.
If one psychological defect can be eliminated, all the defects can be eliminated. If we can set free one spark from the darkness, we can set free all of them. This demonstrates “that death kills death for an eternity” If we liberated ourselves from all our psychological defects, we would recover all our conscience and integrated our own Being, achieving sacred individuality. This is why we say that the reason to live is to die.
Psychological Death practice:
Discover a defect through the self-observation, then judge it using reflection until comprehend it, and eliminate it pleading to the Divine Mother to kill it.
I’m walking on the street and I see a beautiful woman. I observe an unmistakable sensation in the sexual center, I discover attraction in my instinctive center, in the emotional center I feel like I am in love, I idealize her in my intellectual center, I observe the orders given to me by the Selves in the Motor Center. (This is the self-observed)
Reflection: “What is it that this self Desires?”, “Why does it oppress me?”, “What is it that it suggests me to do?”
Comprehensions: I am fornicating in all the centers with every woman that I like; the defect is taking control of me, I forget about myself, I get identified and the consciousness falls asleep.
Elimination: For each detail that I have observed, and which one has become conscious of, I ask my individual Divine Mother to eliminate it in each Center, the desire that I am feeling. This process can be repeated throughout the day for each detail that is discovered.
The Physical body, the Vital body and the personality are the parts that die at the end of an existence.
The essence (i.e. Consciousness) of each person is immortal, it’s the only real and true part of us, it never dies, it is a part of God in each of us. The Psychological elements in which is our essence or Consciousness is bottled up, return from one existence to another
existence, and in each one these, they get strengthened. It is important to comprehend that with the death of the physical body, psychological defects do not die, they are trapped in seminal envelope and they are transported to the new body, until it completes the 108 existences. If we do not eliminate them voluntarily, in the end, they will be disintegrating at the abyss, when the process of the Second death is complete.
End Conference 02.