CONJURATION OF BELILIN: It removes away negative forces from the environment (larvae, black magicians, etc.)
- We need to be concentrated in our heart, without accepting any though, and without doing any different activity.
- We sing imagining each word:
“Belilín, Belilín, Belilín,
Amphora of salvation,
I would like to be close to you Materialism has no power next to me,
Belilín, Belilín, Belilín.
Belilín, Belilín, Belilín,
Amphora of salvation,
I would like to be close to you Materialism has no power next to me, Belilín, Belilín, Belilín
Belilín, Belilín, Belilín,
Amphora of salvation,
I would like to be close to you Materialism has no power next to me, Belilín, Belilín, Belilín”

MAGIC CIRCLE OF PROTECTION: It closes the space around you and makes it to remain protected.
- We need to be concentrated in our heart, without accepting any though, and without doing any different activity.
- With confidence and strength.
- We sing imagining each word.
“Father of mine, Lord of mine, God of mine.
I beg you if it is your will, to command my elemental intercessor to get out from my body and draw a magical Circle of protection around this (place); in order to make it free from any evil forces.
Elemental Intercessor, Elemental Intercessor, Elemental Intercessor
Do your work in the Name of Christ, by the Power of Christ, by the Majesty of Christ.”
Explanations about the Magical Circle of Protection:
The elemental Intercessor is a part of our Being who has all wisdom from nature. The elemental intercessor does not obey to us; therefore, it must be done through our Father. When we chant the mantra “SSSSSSSS”, we must imagine that a bright green light surrounds the perimeter of the place we want to protect, in clockwise direction.
JUPITER CONJURATION: It serves to defend we from an attack, to conjure fake Masters, etc.
- We need to be concentrated in our heart, without accepting any though, and without doing any different activity.
- We cover our solar plexus with the hand.
- Raise your right hand and unfold the thumb, the index and the middle finger
- We raise the right hand, with the thumb, index, and middle finger unfolded, and the ring and little finger down.
- When pronouncing the mantram TE VIGOS COSLIM we imagine a ray getting out of these three fingers
- We imagine each word
- All procedure must be repeated three times

Explanations about the Magical Circle of Protection:
The elemental Intercessor is a part of our Being who has all wisdom from nature. The elemental intercessor does not obey to us; therefore, it must be done through our Father. When we chant the mantra “SSSSSSSS”, we must imagine that a bright green light surrounds the perimeter of the place we want to protect, in clockwise direction.
JUPITER CONJURATION: It serves to defend we from an attack, to conjure fake Masters, etc.
- We need to be concentrated in our heart, without accepting any though, and without doing any different activity.
- We cover our solar plexus with the hand.
- Raise your right hand and unfold the thumb, the index and the middle finger
- We raise the right hand, with the thumb, index, and middle finger unfolded, and the ring and little finger down.
- When pronouncing the mantram TE VIGOS COSLIM we imagine a ray getting out of these three fingers
- We imagine each word
- All procedure must be repeated three times

Explanation: when we say “I conjure thee” we are conjuring the psychological defect
PENTALFA: It’s a locking for everyday life when we leave home or when we break the Magic Circle.
- Perform the following movements, chanting these mantras: Klim, Krishnaya, Govindaya, Gopijana, Vallabhaya and Swa Ha. It can be done with or without mantras.

Note: When chanting “Swa Ha” you to cross right arm over left arm.
End Conference 07.