The aim of this conference is that the student learns to distinguish an esoteric school of a pseudo-esoteric school. And it reaches to understand where they stand in the knowledge, when he began experiencing the esoteric work.


It means external knowledge. This knowledge comes through books or courses in the external world, through personality.

We all receive the knowledge in the physical world as exoteric knowledge. When we find the secret way in the outside world, if it occurs, because -of one thousand who seek only one finds it | and rare are the lucky ones who find it, two paths open:

• The Path of the Believer, which supports and believes in what is said to him but it does nothing to check it for himself, accumulates knowledge (information).

• The Practical Path, which experiences what have been taught to him to check and verify for itself. This enters a Mesoteric stage, that has to lead to the esoteric work. Here the phrase – of one thousand who find it only one follows |, as most of people who found it take it as a another knowledge to the intellect.


It means false interior knowledge. In all cases it is received by the personality and, therefore, not by consciousness.

Undoubtedly, in these times it has increased exorbitantly. Abound everywhere pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult schools. The merchandise of souls, books and theories is frightful; rare is one who, among the cobweb of so many contradictory ideas, does indeed find the Secret Path.
It has never been so materialistic the world like is today, and yet so frivolous and cowardly psychicist.

The fortune-tellers witches, hypnotists, mediums, spiritualists, influentiators, sorcerers, healers, charlatans of all kinds, swarm everywhere. They are seen both in the slums and palaces, both publicly and in secret. It is believed in the absurd, in fanciful, and a rare collective madness runs from side to side the planet.

Certainly -the witches, sorcerers and black magicians abound like weeds; however, these are not saints or prophets, nor followers of the white brotherhood, Most serious of all is the intellectual fascination; there is a tendency to nourish ourselves strictly in an intellectual way, with everything that comes to mind.

The vagrants of the intellect no longer content with all the subjective and general library that abounds in book markets but now, and what is worse, they also stuff themselves to indigestion with the cheap pseudo-esotericism that is everywhere. The result of all this jargon is the manifest confusion and disorientation of the rogues of intellect.

Really, the important thing is to know yourself deeply into all levels of the mind …

How to Distinguishing Pseudo-Esoteric Schools:

  • Charge for Knowledge.
  • Do not teach the three factors of the Revolution of Consciousness.
  • They say all roads lead to Rome.
  • They suggest or state that esoteric knowledge can be learned in books.
  • Are intellectuals.
  • Give teachings of ineffable appearance, that do not lead anywhere.
  • Give teachings that confuse.
  • Teach many things, distracting elements of esotericism.
  • Mix forces.
  • They Teach practices of the Black Lodge. They teach awakening powers. They teach to handle candles, cards, crystals, pendulums, etc.
  • They Teach various forms of healing.
  • They teach parapsychology, spiritualism and mediumship.
  • They teach witchcraft and manipulation of Elementals.
  • They teach Black Tantra.
  • Do not teach chastity.
  • Do not teach the truly death.
  • Do not teach that karma is paid full at once, or that can be negotiated, either as negotiated.
  • They not taught to look for self-fulfillment and that must be achieved in one lifetime.
  • Many relate esotericism to the sale of perfumes, oils, talismans, candles, books, filters, mineral, beverages, robes, etc. With nothing to do, they cheat people who unknown.

The main difference between a White Mage and Black Mage is the quality of their knowledge. When we read a book by a black magician, and we do not know, we are invoking him.
When you mix forces, the original force is lost while a third force arises, which is destructive. The pseudo-esotericism handles the lower psyche, putting into activity the organs Kundartiguador and make us to slowly lose our sincere desire to self-fulfill ourselves. Little by little it is losing confidence in their own Being and ends relying on foreign elements.


It means Interior Knowledge or occult knowledge. The true Esoterisism seeks the knowledge of oneself, which is only found in our inner world. This knowledge is for consciousness, it is not possible to get this knowledge in any external place, in any manual of conduct, books or school from the outside world. This knowledge is received in the inner worlds. The Esoteric Knowledge can only be reached through the three factors of the Revolution of Consciousness, which are the only Three Objective Jobs to do: Psychological Death, Spiritual Birth and Conscious Sacrifice for Humanity.
The object of esoteric knowledge is none other than self-fulfill the Being. The Esoteric Knowledge is inwardly received. To the extent that we liberate consciousness each spark is liberated and receives knowledge that touches according to his vocation.
When we received the Esoteric Knowledge as a closed book is knowledge to our being alone. It cannot be revealed in the external world, so you have to know to silence. But if is received in open book it can be delivered to our students.

Each being has his own knowledge. To the extent that the consciousness awakens, and enters harmony with nature, it is giving us the wisdom that we had long ago.

The practical is checking with the three factors and the different practices learned.
They make their Initiations of Major Mysteries, until ending the First Mountain.
When you start the second mountain lends hope for esoteric knowledge; when it is going through the process of the Resurrection as adept enters the Esoteric School of his beam. By integrating the three forces in one, fused with his Father, it becomes a true esotericist. At that time, he reaches the first step of the Universal Wisdom.

Most students make the mistake of feel theirselves as Esotericist when listening conferences. Feeling started without having begun to practice Supra-sex. Feeling holy without removing the first self. Feel practical without starting to practice. All this because of the false sense of the self.

End Conference 25.