This conference aims to teach us to distinguish the activity of each of these, to learn to observe and distinguish each of our actions. When it is manifesting the ego, when consciousness and when personality.
There are three types of acts:
1- Acts of the Ego or recurrences (for not being awake). Recur with its consequences.
2- Accidents (By being asleep). Cause new recurrences.
3- Conscious Acts (for which we must be awake).
Different names for the Ego:
- Selves
- Psychological Aggregates
- Defects Errors Temptations Wish Instincts
- Ways to be of myself
- Sins
- Red Demons of Seth
- Devils
- Ignorance inner darkness Suffering Injustice
- Pain
- Memory
- Trapped Consciousness
- Mistake
- Mechanical Memory
- Concepts
Some things of the psychological self
Psychological selves arise from non-transformed impressions on any of our existences. They will start fattening with the passing of the centuries, manifested by lack of self-observation or wakefulness. Psychological self has a molecular nature. Therefore, it belongs to the fifth dimension, but it can take control of our personality and through her of the physical body. Each self has its own personality.
The new selves or newly created
In these last existences we have created many selves that we did not have before. Examples: Self of phone, cellphone, tv-viewer, driver, reader, filmmaker, citizen, pornography, DVD, etc.
There are very old psychological selves
For example: the self of laziness, he is the father of all. Here are some details of Sloth: leisured self, party self, self of have fun, self of boredom, self of degenerate, wayward self, self of antipathy, etc.
The Self Evolves
There are lustful selves. It is a very large family, here are some: fornicate self, adulterer self, go to the brothel self, conquered self, masturbate self, anal sex self, homosexual passive self, active homosexual self, self-homosexual self, bestiality self, lesbian seIf, incest self, celibate self, practice oral sex self, zoophilic self, fellatio self, etc. These selves in each existence increase their molecular weight and make the manifestation force higher, if not working on them.
All selves can be eliminated
To delete a psychological self, we must be awake to be able to discover it, then watch what he does, why he does it, when it does, etc. Then understand it and finally kill it asking the Divine Mother to delete it. This procedure is called psychological death. If we do NOT work on ourselves, the selves will die in the Involution.
The Psychological self takes over the physical body and makes us do what he likes. He makes us make many mistakes, depletes our energy, and prevents any progress towards our Being.
The Self causes the Recurrence
Each self brings bills for charge and pay, if you do not work to understand, we will repeat the lesson until apprehend everything that is needed to apprehend.
The Self is desire
All our selves manifest as desires: I want to drink, I want to dance, I want to copulate, I want to eat, I want to talk, I want to have fun, etc., etc., etc.
Personality is an energy vehicle. It is formed in the first seven years of life and is strengthened in the rest of existence. Born in time, he dies in time. There is no future for the personality. It is formed in each existence for selves to manifest in the physical body.
With every physical body is formed its own personality.
Personality is made up of many factions, each self has yours. The personality is form of imitation. Personality fascinates us with the world. Personality has mesmerized us.
Some forming elements of Personality:
● Name – Surname – Gender – Age – Education – Financial Position – Location -Language – Concepts – Habits – Fashion – Customs – Standards – Fears – Laws of the Country – Job – Career – Titles
Personality types:
There are two types of personality:
●The passive personality, serving the being. It is receptive.
●The active Personality in the service of self. Keeps us identified.
Essence is the true, the real, the immortal of each of us, that’s all that really worth it. One hundred percent of our Essence is immortal, but is divided into two parts, one that is free and self-conscious, with 3% of awakened consciousness and freedom. And the remaining 97% of Essence is innocent and catchable, with the purpose that we liberate it and make our own creation, to bring the wisdom of evil. The 3% of Essence is manifested in the first years of existence, but arrived at seven, when we have the use of reason, it ends up sleeping, and only in a few cases will listen to the voice of conscience.
An example of action: A girl goes to the movies with her boyfriend, his mother tells her to be careful, do not screw up. The girl returns home and tells mom she was right, the groom proposed sex, but she acted consciously. When he proposed, consciously she said no.
But look what really happened:
The lust self told her to accept.
The personality is different, thinks that may be pregnant, that would ruin the life that has no guarantees, etc., etc.; was the personality which rejected the proposal and not the consciousness as she assumed.
Consciousness did not intervene at any time. Consciousness would have said: ‘This is not my partner, this is a stranger who just want to have fun. his woman is named … , etc., etc.
If we reflect on any of our actions we will realize what the actors are, what is leftover or what is missing. This theme dominates the observation of oneself, so we must become reflective and know to differentiate in every act the actor.
End Conference 15.