At first, we must comprehend that the law of Evolution is completely mechanical. The second that we must observe is that if the Law of Evolution exists, so does the Law of Involution, since it is it’s twin sister by opposition. Humanity’s mechanical hope in evolution is a failure. If we see all that we have “evolved” in recent years, we’ll realize about this: When did we ever seen so much degeneration, perversity, wars, prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism, cruelty, etc.?
We must stop dreaming with a mechanical evolution and realize that only through the conscious revolution it is possible to achieve the human regeneration. We must comprehend the mistake on which we find ourselves when we are relay on concepts such as Darwin’s theory.
The objective for this lecture is that we achieve to clearly see the reason why we came to the planet and how we can accomplish the objective.
How do we evolve through four kingdoms of the nature? All sparks come out from the Sacred Absolute Sun looking after the mastery or Self-realization, through one of the Seven Rays of the Creation, and descend to the Samsara’s wheel to take the course. A few manage to self-realize, the majority fails. All of them have free will and are not pushed to achieve the triumph.
300,000 esoteric years are set as time for the opportunity, represented by the formation of three thousand (3000) souls, 1 soul per each cycle; and one hundred eight (108) human existences per each soul. Which is equivalent to 324,000 human physical bodies.
There are three alternatives in the wheel:
- Triumph (To achieve the self-realization)
- Failure (To deplete the existences and return to absolute with 3%)
- Resign to the wheel and return with 3% of conscience.
Let’s see the wheel of samsara:

To the right the evolution ascends directed by Anubis
To the left involution descends directed by Tiphon.
In Evolution we find the four kingdoms of nature, and in Involution the same four kingdoms but in an involuting condition.
-Mineral Kingdom -Mineraloid Kingdom
-Vegetal Kingdom -Vegetaloid Kingdom
-Animal Kingdom -Animaloid Kingdom
-Human Kingdom -Humanoid Kingdom
Let’s study Evolution:

In the Mineral Kingdom the spark is connected to the physical body of a mineral (stone, metal, a grain of sand, etc.)
Its soul is called Gnome or Pygmy and it has the original spark with its 3% of conscience. It has no psychological defects, but it starts to create them. It’s assigned to it the first brain: which is the emotional brain.
In these conditions it will last thousands and even million of years forming the first defects. The first defects that it forms are disobedience to Gurus Devas of the nature. It goes on with the antipathy, etc.
The only spark’s duty at the mineral kingdom is going to school where it learns different things about the kingdom.
When Anubis sees that the spark has created enough defects, transport it to the vegetal kingdom.

In the Vegetal Kingdom the spark is connected to a vegetal, according to the original ray to which it belongs. Its soul is called Elemental, and its Conscience continues with 3% as it arrived, but it is transported with the defects that were previously created.
The second brain is awarded to this: which is the motor–instinctive–sexual brain. Despite that it is planted at a place, it starts the developing the instinctive brain. This brain allows it to feel pain, pleasure, and fear.
Thus, it becomes a Bi-Brained. Emotional and motor-instinctive-sexual brain. It must begin to fight for its food, for light and against parasite plants, etc. In this fight it creates new psychological defects, because now it feels pain and it must apprehend a lot from nature, to become strong.
When the Guru Deva sees that this has created enough defects, disconnects it from the vegetal kingdom and connects it to the animal kingdom.

In the Human Kingdom it will be given a new brain, which is called Intellectual, and will be named Soul from now. 108 existences with human physical body are awarded to the soul. The silver cord will be connected to the first human physical body.
From this moment it will go down nine steps, in other words it will degenerate in cycles of twelve (12) existences until descending the nine steps.
The first existences will take place in a tribe, in place far from civilization. When existence number 54 is completed the evolution will have finished. And the human due to so much Ego that had created, will start the involution, even though he still has the right to others 54 existences as humanoid. The instinct puts the intellect at is service, and the Soul or Psyche blackens quickly.
If we don’t take advantage of our soul, we will lose it, since once 108 existences are depleted, we will enter in Involution, until nature disintegrates all psychological defects and we will accomplish Second Death.
Let’s study Involution:
Once 108 existences have been depleted in the human kingdom, the spark is connected to an involutive animal, while its contaminated essence penetrates to the nine Dante’s circles, from where it won’t get out until nature finishes disintegrating all defects.
Here it will receive a numerous animal bodies, and later it will be connected to numerous bodies of involutive plants, and finally it will arrive to the Involutive mineral kingdom (minerals in decomposition).
This step must happen because the Sun cannot have lazy sparks. They all must serve the law of Trogo.
Revolution of Conscience is a job that every one of us must do to get its own transformation.
This change is done through the Three Factors of Revolution of consciousness.
- Psychological Death
- Spiritual Birth
- Sacrifice for Humanity

Psychological Death:
- To discover psychological defects through self-observing.
- To judge defects to understand them.
- Ask Divine Mother to disintegrate understood defects.
With psychological death the Consciousness trapped in the defects is released.
Spiritual Birth:
A wise use of sexual creative energy is to create Existential Bodies of Being. Sexual union between a man and a woman (a phallus in a vagina) without spilling sexual creative energy.
With spiritual birth, released conscience is fixed in the spinal cord.
Sacrifice for Humanity:
Giving this knowledge to humanity, with no interest involved, so that every person that receives it can do its own Job.
With sacrifice for humanity we awaken Love.
This way we release ourselves from the wheel of samsara, from the process of evolution and involution in which we’ve been trapped for a very long time. This way we get self-fulfillment.
End Conference 08.