In the field of practical life, we always find astounding contrasts. Wealthy people with magnificent residence and many friends sometimes suffer horribly …

Humble proletarians of picks and shovels or middle-class people, often live sometimes in complete happiness.

Many billionaires suffer from sexual impotence and rich matrons cry bitterly husband’s infidelity …

The Rich people of the earth seems vultures in golden cages, in these times they cannot live without “bodyguards” …

Statesmen drag chains, are never free, roam everywhere surrounded by people armed to the teeth …

We study this situation more carefully. We need to know what life is. Everyone is free to think whatever …

Whatever they say certainly nobody knows anything, life is a problem that no one understands …

When people want to freely tell the story of their life, quote events, names and surnames, dates, etc. and feel satisfaction in doing their stories …

These poor people are unaware that their stories are incomplete because events, names and dates, is only the external appearance of the film, there is left the internal aspect …

It is urgent to know “statesof consciousness “, each event corresponds to this or that mood.

The statesare internal and the eventsare external, external events are not everything …

Understood by inner states, good or bad provisions, worries, depression, superstition, fear, suspicion, mercy, self-consideration, the overestimation of oneself; states of feeling happy, joyous states, etc., etc., etc.

Unquestionably, internal statescan correspond exactly to external events or be caused by them, or have no connection with them …

In any case statesand events are different. Events do not always correspond exactly with like-minded states.

The inner stateof a pleasant eventcould not match with the same.

The inner stateof an unpleasant eventmay not match with the same.

Long awaited events, when they came we felt that something was missing …

Certainly it lacked the corresponding internal statewhich should be combined with the external event …

Often the event that is not expected, may be the one that give us the best moments…


Combining internal stateswith external events properly, is knowing how to live intelligently.

Any eventintelligently experienced demands its corresponding specific internal state …

But unfortunately the people when they review their lives, think that this in itself is composed exclusively by external events

Poor people! They think that if this or that event had not happened to them, their life would have been better …

They assume that the fate met them and lost the chance to be happy … They lament what was lost, they cry what they despised, they moan remembering the old setbacks and calamities …

The people do not want to realize that vegetating is not living and the ability to consciously exist depends solely on the quality of the inner statesof the soul …

No matter how beautiful are certainly external events of life, if we are not in such moments in the appropriate inner state, the best events may seem monotonous, annoying or just boring …

Someone anxiously awaits the wedding party, it is an event, more it could happen that were so worried at the precise moment of the event, that really it may not like it in any delight and everything turn as dry and cold as a protocol…

Experience has taught us that not all people attending a banquet or a dance party, really enjoy …

Never is missing the boring one at the best celebrations and the most delicious pieces cheer some people and do mourn another …

Very rare are the people who know consciously combine the external eventwith the appropriate internal state

It is unfortunate that people do not know how to live consciously: cry when they should laugh and laugh when they should mourn …

Control is different. The wise man can be happy but never full of mad frenzy; sad but never desperate and depressed … serene in the midst of violence; abstinent in the orgy; chaste between lust, etc …

Melancholic and pessimistic people think the worst of life and frankly do not want to live …

Every day we see people who are not only unhappy, but also and what is worse they also bitter the lives of others …

People like that would not change even partying everyday; the psychological illness is carried within them … such people have definitely perverse inner states …

However, these individuals qualify themselves as self-righteous, saints, virtuous, noble, helpful, martyrs, etc., etc., etc …

They are people who self-consider a lot; people who love much themselves …

Individuals that pity much themselves and always are looking to evading his own responsibilities …

People are so accustomed to inferior emotions and is obvious that for that reason create subhuman psychic elements daily.

The unfortunate events, reversals of fortune, misery, debts, problems, etc., are exclusive of those who don’t know how to live …

Anyone can form a rich intellectual culture, but very few people have learned to live righteously …

When you want to separate the external eventsof the inner statesof consciousness, particularly demonstrates its inability to exist with dignity.

Who learn to consciously combine external eventsand inner states, march on the path to success…


Unquestionably, the rigorous observation of the Myself, is always urgent and cannot be postponed to make a complete logical differentiation in relation to external events of practical life and intimate statesof consciousness.

We urgently need to know where we are located in a given moment, in relation to both the inner stateof consciousness, as in the specific nature of the exterior event that is happening to us now.

Life itself is a series of events that are processed through time and space …

Someone said: ‘Life is a chain of martyrdom that man carries entangled in the Soul … ‖

Everyone is free to think as they want; I believe that the ephemeral pleasures of a fleeting moment, are always followed by disenchantment and bitterness …

Each event has its special characteristic flavor and the inner states also are of a different kind; This is incontrovertible, irrefutable …

Certainly the Inner work on oneself emphatically refers to the diverse psychological statesof consciousness …

No one can deny that in our interior we carry many errors and that erroneous statesalso exist …

If we really want to really change, we need with maximum and unavoidable urgency to radically modify those wrong states of consciousness …

The absolute modification of the erroneous states, originates complete transformations in the field of practical life …

When you work seriously on the wrong states, then the unpleasant events of life can no longer hurt so easily …

We are saying something that is only possible to understand by living it, really feeling it in the same realm of facts …

Who does not work on himself is always a victim of circumstances; It is like a miserable log on the boisterous waters of the ocean …

Events incessantly change in their multiple combinations; come one after another in waves, are influences …

Certainly there are good and bad events; Some eventswill be better or worse than others …

Modify certain eventsis possible; alter results, modify situations, etc., it is certainly within the number of possibilities.

But in fact there are situations that really cannot be altered; in these cases they must be consciously accepted, even when some become dangerous and even painful …

Unquestionably the pain disappears when we do not identify with the problem that has arisen …

We must consider life as a successive series of interior states; an authentic history of our life in particular is formed by all these states

In reviewing the totality of our own existence, we can verify for ourselves directly, that many unpleasant situations were possible thanks to wrong inner states …

Alexander the great was always temperate by nature, he gave pride to the excesses that led him to the death …

Francis I died due to a dirty and abominable adultery, which well remembers the story yet …

When Marat was assassinated by a perverse nun, he was dying of arrogance and envy, he believed himself to be absolutely just …

The ladies of the Park of the Servants unquestionably completely finished the vitality of dreadful fornicator named Luis XV …

Many are the people who die of ambition, anger or jealousy, that is known very well by the Psychologists …

As our will irrevocably is confirmed in an absurd tendency, we become candidates for the pantheon or cemetery …

Othello because of jealousy he became a murderer and the jail is full of sincerely mistaken …


Full intimate self-observation of the Myself, is urgent when it comes to discover wrong psychological states.

Unquestionably the wrong inner statescan be corrected by proper procedures.

Since the inner life is the magnet that attracts external events, we need with maximum urgency, eliminate from our psyche erroneous psychological states.

Correct wrong psychological statesis indispensable when you want to fundamentally alter the nature of certain undesirable events.

Alter our relationship with certain eventsis possible, if we eliminate from our interior certain absurd psychological states.

Destructive external situations could become inoffensive and even constructive by intelligently correcting erroneous inner states.

One can change the nature of unpleasant eventsthat happen to us, when intimately purified. Who never corrects absurd psychological states, believing himself very strong becomes a victim of circumstances.

Bring order to our messy inner house is vital, when you want to change the course of an unhappy existence.

People complain all, suffer, cry, protest, they want to change their life, come out of misfortune that they are, unfortunately they not work on themselves.
People do not want to realize that inner life attracts external circumstances and if they are painful its due to the absurd inner states.

The exterior is only the reflection of the interior, who changes internally originates a new order of things. External eventswould never be as important as how we react to them.

You remained calm before the aggressor? Have you received with gladness the unpleasant manifestations of your fellowmen?

How you react to the infidelity of the beloved? Have you got carried away by the poison of jealousy? Did you kill? Are you in jail?

Hospitals, cemeteries or pantheons, prisons are filled with sincerely mistaken who reacted in an absurd way to external events.

The best weapon a man can use in life is a correct psychological state.

One can disarm beasts and unmask traitors by means of appropriate internal states.

Wrong inner states turn us into defenseless victims of human perversity.

Learn to deal at the most unpleasant events of practical life with an appropriate internal attitude … Do not identify yourself with any event; remember that everything passes; learn to see life as a film and receive the benefits …

Do not forget that worthless events could lead you to misfortune, if you do not delete of your psyche wrong inner states.

Each external event unquestionably needs the appropriate ticket; that is, the precise psychological state.

End Conference 19.