Who are we ?, from where we come ?, To where we go ?, why we live?
Why do we live?…
Unquestionably, the poor ‘Intellectual Animal “mistakenly called man, not only unknowns, but also does not even know that unknowns …
Worst of all is the very difficult and strange situation in which we find ourselves, we ignore the secret of all our tragedies and yet we are convinced that we know all …
Take a “Rational Mammal” a person of those that in life boast of influential. to the center of the Sahara Desert, leave him there far from any oasis, and observe from an aircraft everything that happens …
The facts speak for themselves; the “Intellectual Humanoid,” though presumed as strong and as real man, in the background is frightfully weak …
The “Rational Animal” is foolish in one hundred percent; think of himself the best; believes he can cope beautifully by KINDERGARTEN, Civility manuals, Elementary, Middle, High School, University, the good prestige of the dad, etc., etc., etc …
Unfortunately, after many letters and good manners and money, we know that any stomachache saddens us and that deep down we continue being unhappy and miserable …
Just read world history to know that we are the same barbarians of yesteryear and instead of improving we have become worse …
This XX century (20) with all its spectacular, wars, prostitution, world sodomy, sexual degeneration, drugs, alcohol, exorbitant cruelty, extreme perversity, monstrousness, etc., etc., etc., is the mirror in which we must look; because there is no compelling reason to boast of having reached a higher stage of development …
Think that time means progress is absurd, unfortunately the “ignoramuses” continue bottled up in the Dogma of Evolution …
In all the somber pages of “dark history” we find the same atrocious cruelties, ambitions, wars, etc …
But our contemporary “Super-civilized” are still convinced that the war is secondary, a passenger accident that has nothing to do with his vaunted “Modern Civilization”.
Surely what matters is the way of being of each person; Some subjects will be drunkards, other abstainers, those honored and the other scoundrels; there is everything in life …
The mass is the sum of individuals; what is the individual is the mass, it is the government,
etc …
The mass is therefore the extension of the individual; is not possible transformation of the masses, of the people, if the individual, if each person does not transform …
Nobody can deny that there are different social levels; There are people from church and brothel, trade and field, etc., etc., etc.
So there are different Levels of being. What we are internally, lavish or stingy, generous or miserly, violent or peaceful, chaste or lustful, attracts the various circumstances of life …
A lustful always attract scenes, dramas and even lascivious tragedies in which he will become involved …
A drunk attract drunkards and will always put in bars and taverns, that’s obvious …
What will attract the usurer? the selfish? how many problems? prisons? misfortunes?
However embittered people, tired of suffering, want to change, turn the page of their history …
Poor people! They want to change and do not know how; They do not know the procedure; they are stuck in a dead end …
What happened to them yesterday happens to them today and will happen tomorrow; always repeat the same mistakes and not learn the lessons of life not even with guns
All things repeat themselves in their life; They say the same things, do the same things and complain about the same things …
This boring repetition of dramas, comedies and tragedies will continue as long as we carry in our interior all the undesirable elements of anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc., etc., etc …
What is our moral level?, or better said, what is our Level of Being?
While the Level of Being does not radically change The repetition of all our miseries, scenes, and misfortunes…
All things, all circumstances that occur outside ourselves, on the stage of this world, are exclusively the reflection of what we carry internally.
With good reason we can solemnly declare that the “exterior is the reflection of the interior.”
When one changes internally and if that change is radical, the external, circumstances, and life changes too.
I’ve been watching this time, (year 1974), a group of people who invaded a foreign land. Here in Mexico, such people receive the strange name of “Parachutists.”
They are neighbors of the Churubusco rural colony, are very close to my house, this is why I could study them closely …
Being poor can never be a crime, but the trouble is not that, but in their Level of Being…
Daily they fight each other, get drunk, insult each other, they become murderers of their own companions in misfortune, live in filthy huts in which instead of love reigns the hate …
I have often thought that if any one of those, eliminate from their interior the hatred, anger, lust, drunkenness, slander, cruelty, selfishness, slander, envy, pride, self-love, etc., etc., etc., they would like others, would be associated by simple Law of Psychology Affinities with more refined and spiritual people; these new relationships would be final for economic and social change …
It would be that the system that would allow such a subject, leaving the “garage”, the unclean “sewer”…
So, if we really want a radical change, we must first understand is that each of us (whether black or white, yellow or copper, ignorant or enlightened, etc.), is in this or that Level of Being.
What is our Level of Being? Have you ever thought about that? It would not be possible to move to another level if we ignore the state in which we find ourselves.
We have to look forward to a real change, leave this boring routine, this purely mechanistic life, tiresome …
What we must first understand quite clearly is that each of us whether bourgeois or proletarian, wealthy or middle, rich or miserable, is really in this or that Level of Being…
The Level of Being of the drunkard is different from the abstemious and the one of the prostitute very different from the maiden. What we are saying is irrefutable, indisputable …
In reaching this part of our chapter, we lose nothing to imagine a ladder that extends from the bottom to upside, vertically and with many steps …
Unquestionably, at some stage of these we find ourselves; steps down will be people worse than us; steps up better people than us we will find …
In this extraordinary Vertical, on this Wonderful Staircase, it is clear that we can find all Levels of being … everyone is different and no one can refute this …
Undoubtedly we are not now speaking of ugly or pretty faces, nor is matter of age. There are young and old people, old people that are dying and children that are newborns …
The issue of time and of the years; that of being born, grow, develop, marry, reproduce, grow old and die, it is exclusive of the Horizontal …
The “Wonderful Staircase” in the Vertical the concept of time does not fit. On the steps of such scale we can only find Levels of Being …
The mechanical hope of people serves no purpose; They believe that in time things will be better; well that thought our grandparents and great-grandparents; precisely the facts have come to prove otherwise …
Level of Being is what counts and this is Vertical; we are in a stage but we can climb another step …
The “Wonderful Staircase” that we are talking about and that relates to the different Levels of Being, certainly has nothing to do with linear time …
A higher Level of Being is immediately above us from moment to moment …
Not in any future horizontal remote, but here and now; within ourselves; in the Vertical …
It is ostensible and anyone can understand that the two lines -Horizontal and vertical are from moment to moment in our psychological interior and form a Cross…
The personality develops and unfolds on the Horizontal Line of Life. Born and dies within its linear time; it is perishable; there is no tomorrow for the personality of the deceased; It is not the Being …
The Levels of Being; Beingitself is not of the time, has nothing to do with Horizontal line; It is within ourselves. Now, in the Vertical …
It would be manifestly absurd to look for our own Beingoutside of ourselves …
It is just to sit as a corollary the following: Titles, degrees, promotions, etc., in the outside physical world, in any way originate authentic exaltation, revaluation of Being, step to the next step in the Levels of Being …
It is worth reminding our readers that a mathematical point exists within ourselves …
Unquestionably such point, it is never in the past, nor in the future …
Who wants to discover that mysterious point must look for it here and now, within himself, exactly at this moment, not a second later, nor a second ago …
Both Vertical and Horizontal sticks of the Saint Cross, they find each other, at this point …
Because we are from moment to moment before two paths: the Horizontal and Vertical … It is clear that the Horizontal is very “cheesy” by him walk “Vicente and all the people”
“Villegas and all people” “Don Raimundo and everyone” …
It is clearly that the Vertical is different; It is the way of intelligent rebels, of the Revolutionary …
When one is reminded of oneself when works on himself, when he is not identified with all the problems and sorrows of life, in fact it is on the Vertical Path …
Certainly never is an easy task to eliminate negative emotions; losing all identification with our own way of life; problems of all kinds, business, debts, payment of letters, mortgages, telephone, water, electricity, etc., etc., etc.
The unemployed, those who for one or another reason have lost their jobs, work, evidently suffering from lack of money and forget their case and not worry or identify themselves with their own problem, it is in fact frightfully difficult.
Those who suffer, those who mourn, those who have been victims of some betrayal, of poor pay in life, of ingratitude, of slander or any fraud, really forget of themselves, of their Real Being Intimate, they identified fully with their moral tragedy …
Work on oneself is the fundamental characteristic of the Vertical path. No one could tread the path of the Great Rebellion, if ever would work on himself …
Workto which we are referring is of a psychological nature; It deals with some transformation of this moment we met. We need to learn to live from moment to moment …
For example: a person who is desperate for some sentimental, economic or political problem, obviously has forgotten itself …
If that person stops for a moment, if you look at the situation and tries to remind himself and then he strives to understand the meaning of his attitude …
If you reflect a little, if you think that everything passes; that life is illusory, fleeting and that death reduces to ashes all the vanities of the world …
If you understand that your problem is at bottom nothing but a “flash in the pan,” a fatuous fire that soon goes off, suddenly surprised to see that everything has changed …
Transform mechanical reactions is possible through logical confrontation and Intimate Self-reflection of the Being …
It is evident that people react mechanically to the various circumstances of life …
Poor people!, usually always become victims. When someone flatters them they smile; when they are humiliated they suffer. If they get insulted they insults; They hurt if they are hurt; they are never free; their fellowmen have the power to bring joy to sadness, from hope to despair.
Every one of those who walk the Horizontal road, looks like a musical instrument, where each of his fellows play what he pleases …
Who learns to transform mechanical reactions, in fact he gets by “Vertical Road”.
This represents a fundamental change in the Level of Being extraordinary result of the “Psychological Rebellion.”
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End Conference 24.