The aim of this conference is to know each of the seven bodies, their functions, development, nature, laws it manages and how we can create them through supra-sex

1- Physical Body: We have our physical body; it vibrates with the musical note “DO”. It has cellular nature; it is governed by 48 laws. It forms what we call the outer world or Earth, it’s in the third dimension, it’s related to the earth element and therefore with the Gnomes and Pygmies. It’s Related to the sexual center, manages the Sexual Creative Energy, which was what gave its origin. It works with Hydrogen 48 for being related to the 48 laws. It is currently on lunar condition because of fornication. We need to regenerate it because we already possess it.
2- Etheric or Vital Body: There is a second body called the etheric or vital, it vibrates with the musical note “RE”. It is etheric in nature, since it is composed of four ethers they are: chemical (assimilation), lighting (external sensory perceptions), reflector (Imagination and will) and life (Reproduction). It is ruled by the same 48 laws, as it is the top of our physical body and works with Hydrogen 48. It Handles our waters and therefore the Nereids and Water Ondines. It is in the fourth dimension. Its physical place is the Instinctive center in the sacrum bone. It produces vital energy, which is the tetra-sustaining energy, which is deposited in the sexual center to be able of create. It is currently on lunar condition because of fornication. We need to regenerate it because we already possess it.
3- Astral Body: We also have a principle of Astral body, it vibrates with the musical note “MI”, it has a molecular nature. It is the first principle of matter. It is subject to 24 laws and uses Hydrogen 24, It is found in the fifth dimension, The Emotional World and it works with emotional energy. It handles our inner fire and it is related to the Salamanders of Fire. It’s placed within us in the emotional center, at the height of the solar plexus. It is currently on lunar condition. A few humans possess it, and therefore, we must create it.
4- Mental Body: We also have a principle of Mental body, that’s why we think. It vibrates with the musical note “FA”. It is atomic in nature. It is subject to 12 laws and uses Hydrogen 12. It is located in the fifth dimension, The Mental World and works with Mental Energy. It handles the Air and therefore it’s related to Air Sylphs and Sylphides. It’s placed within us in the intellectual center, at the height of the heart. It is currently on lunar condition. A few humans possess, and therefore, we must create it.
5- Causal or Will Body: We also have a principle of Will or Causal body; it vibrates with the musical note “SOL”. It is electronic in nature. It is subject to 6 laws. It is in the sixth dimension, The World of Causes. It is our Human Soul. It handles the Ether. Its place is in the Motor Centre, at the height of the larynx. It works with motive power. It uses hydrogen 6. Currently is on lunar condition. A few humans possess, and therefore, we must create it.
6- Buddhic Body or of Consciousness: We have a Buddhic or consciousness body, it is in solar condition, which means that this body did not fall with the fornication. It vibrates with the musical note “LA”. It is magnetic in nature, it is made up of protons and it is the reason for the Being. It is subject to 6 laws. It is in the sixth dimension, The Buddhic world. It is our Divine Soul. It handles the Akasha. It has its material seat on the higher emotional center, in the pituitary gland. It is raised in all humans.
7- Atmic Body: We have an Atmic body, it is our Innermost. It is in solar condition, which means that this body didn’t fall either. It vibrates with the musical note “SI”. It is of light or photonic nature. It is subject to 3 laws. It is in the seventh dimension or The Atmic World. It is the lowest that our Being can reach, which comes from the world of Spirit. It is located in the higher intellectual center in the pineal gland. It is raised in all humans.
- Job Requirements:
- It is necessary to achieve a stable partner of the opposite sex. He/she must be interested in collaborating with the job that we will do, since you cannot be changing partners and If you have to do it, you would have to wait a minimum of one year (magnetic pause). The couple has to be appreciated and loved, because with him/her we will make true love. And a work of love is nourished with love.
- We need to value the Creative Sexual Energy and its importance in the Work.
To the extent that we understand that energy is our Divine Mother, who is responsible for making all creation, these insights will allow us to gradually eliminate the “self” fornicator, as Chastity is the basis of the whole work. - Both members must know the work that they are going to do very well and improve it every day.
- The secret of the practice is connecting male Lingam to female Yoni without spilling Sexual creative energy.
Practice of Transmutation of Sexual Energy

- Conjuration of Belilin and Magic circle of protection (may never be omitted).
- Plea Assistance to Interior Divine Father and Mother of each for the practice.
- Turn on the fire with caresses and kisses to achieve a perfect lubrication of the female Yoni for penetration.
- Connection or penetration of the Lingam in the Yoni (the penis into the vagina).
- The respiratory process has three stages:
1. Inhalation (20 seconds). Imagine the entrance of air into the lungs, and then
take it to the sex glands. It is recommended to take within 20 seconds long.
2. Retention (20 seconds). Imagine and feel a golden thread that goes up the spine, vertebra by vertebra, from the coccyx to the eyebrows.
3.Exhalation (20 sec). Doing mantra slow elongating
IIIII, AAAAA, OOOOO, vowel by vowel. - Entire respiratory process is repeated for each vowel.
- It is imperative that three things happen in the practice:
– Concentration: Consciousness centered in action.
– Imagination: for the wise imagine is to see and create.
– Will: the mettle to overcome the desire. - This procedure is repeated as often as necessary.
- Draw back or end the sex practice without spilling Sexual creative energy (ie without orgasm or ejaculate).

- Practice once at night. The glands work alternately (one per night) and it is necessary to allow a minimum of 20 hours to start working with the other one.
- Each must concentrate on their genitals as each works with their own energy.
- Make very gentle movements to avoid spilling energy, ie to avoid a sexual fall
- After practice, wait at least two hours before bathing.
- It is recommended to have the bridal chamber in very good conditions of hygiene and cleanliness.
End Conference 10.