The first factor will be to born.
The second factor will be to die.
The third factor will be the Sacrifice for Humanity.
First Factor: BORN
Spiritual Birth means the creation of the existential bodies of the Being. We say creating the seven bodies, they should be created as well as our physical body was created, in sex.
To be born is necessary to have a stable partner with whom we can work on sex permanently. It should be a partner, can not be many, as this adulterate work. The couple must be willing to collaborate with us and learn about the work to be done.
For this work we must learn to value the Sexual Creative Energy, because with it we will make all the creation.
The place where sex will be practiced is the nuptial bedroom or shrine, this place is very special and we should take good care of it to avoid other forces from mixing. The room or bedroom where the practice will be done must be in great cleanliness and must be ventilated free from noise (loud music) and television. There cannot be more people sleeping in the same room.
The Suprasex cannot be practiced anywhere. Its needed to have a room intended for this.
- Before starting the practice of birth we must make some preparations:
- Conjuration of Belilin and Magic Circle. (To be protected from the forces of Evil).
- Plea to the divine Father and the Divine Mother to assist us during the practice.
- Kisses and caresses between spouses to achieve a great yoni lubrication.
- Penetration of the phallus into the yoni (penis in vagina).
- Once united sexually concentration, imagination and will are necessary.
- Respiratory Procedure for the transmutation of matter into energy:
– Inhalation (20 seconds) imagining the entry of air through the nose into the lungs and then lower it to the sexual glands.
– Retention (20 seconds) imagining the rise of a golden thread through the spine from the coccyx to the eyebrows.
– Exhalation (20 seconds) doing slowly the mantra elongating IIIII, AAAAA, OOOOO, vowel per vowel, repeat the entire respiratory procedure for each vowel.
- The practice will continue for as long as the couple wishes, but must be removed without ejaculate or spilling Sexual creative energy.
- It shall only be performed once better if at nigh.
- With patience, prudence and perseverance you will go forward vertebrae by vertebrae and body by body.
Second Factor: DEATH
Psychological Death refers to the release of the Essence, or Sexual Creative Energy, which currently is trapped by the psychological self or the ways of being of oneself.
To start the process of psychological death we must learn to self-observe ourselves. And this turns out to be the hardest because of mechanicity in which we find ourselves.
It is necessary to differentiate the acts of the Ego, acts of the personality and the
acts of consciousness.
What can be seen in the inner world?
1- The different thoughts
2- The internal talks between the selves
3- The pleasant emotions
4- The unpleasant emotions
5- The moods we are in
6- Mechanical reactions
7- All that alters us, any situation of the physical world
When you discover any of these manifestations we become aware of what happens inside. Then we plea the Divine Mother to disintegrate the defect or the self that manifested.
To the extent that we work seriously with this procedure we will be releasing the Essence, balancing our centers and awaking consciousness. every time we will see small and insignificant little details, allowing us to see the progress.
The sense of self-observation will progressively become more acute, as we use it, until we wake up fully.
Example: I’m driving down the street quietly, when I reach the corner another vehicle gets in my way. If I am on self-observation, not identify with what is happening to me at the moment I can see everything that happens in my inner world; let’s see:
It appears a “self” and tells me:
- “Yell stupid”
- Another “insult him”.
- Another “Who does he thinks he is?”
- Other “Reach him!”.
- I notice that I want to fight.
- I notice that my emotional center is collapsed.
- I notice that a self wants revenge.
- I wonder who taught him to drive
- I think “I Hope he crashes!”.
- Another tells me he could have scratched my car.
- I can not stop thinking about this.
- “How irresponsible!” Says another.
- Other selves make comments about what happened.
- I feel resentment for what happened.
Some time later I still remember the scene: I have anger.
- I cannot forget what happened.
- I feel weak.
Each of these events is produced by a different self, and we must beg the Divine Mother to delete them.
Another example:

An attractive woman passes near me. If I self-observe myself I discover the selves in my head that are idealizing her, if I observe the emotional center I feel love or attracted to her, if I observe the Instinctive Center and the Sexual center I notice a distinct morbid activity. What do I have to do? Now that I know I’m idealizing her, I beg my divine mother to kill each detail. If I notice that I’m falling in love, I plead for death for that feeling. And when I observe the instinctive feeling of looking at her again I ask for death for that self.
If any of them persist I continue begging the divine mother to remove it until none come out.
This procedure is called Constant Death, and involves that all day you stay attentive to realize every detail.
If I sit a moment to reflect on the various events of the day and the states in which I was, I can make new discoveries and continue begging the Divine Mother to eliminate them after I have understood. This procedure is called Reflective Meditation. And helps us to release large amounts of Consciousness.
Sacrifice for humanity is to bring this knowledge to all mankind selflessly. Without any distinction of race, color, wealth, poverty, social position, etc.
Knowledge must deliver without receiving anything in return, completely free, otherwise it is not sacrifice but business. No one would have with to pay for this knowledge.
Wisdom is the beginning of everything. If we don’t receive it we die ignorant of the very reason to exist. If we reflect on this and we appreciate the knowledge we have we realize the responsibility that this represents. To Imagine that all our brothers are asleep, without even knowing why they exist, it produces terror.
Knowledge must be given pure and clean, without adding or omitting anything, without mixing it with pseudo-esoteric or subjective studies.
Conditions for sacrifice:
- We must give free knowledge. We give it to everyone.
- We must deliver pure, without adding other things.
- We must not remove or hide anything, as this would adulterate.
- We should not mix it with other knowledge.
Some reasons to sacrifice for humanity:
1. The reason for the Being is the same Being.
2. Remove the selfishness, Stop being selfish.
3. A Labor of Love is fed with love.
4. Each self has its own debt, if we do not have enough to pay we get stuck.
5. We owe Karma of seven lives, to self-realize ourselves we must pay.
6. When one has much need, he needs good income.
7. When you sacrifice for humanity you receive Dharma.
8. Sacrifice generates the merits of the heart to move forward.
9. What you give you receive, whom gives nothing receives nothing.
10. He who gives wisdom gets wisdom.
11. He who has not given even the smallest will be taken.
12. The merits of the heart allow us to advance in the work of Nativity.
13. When a person teaches he understands better.
14. A Selfish person progresses very slowly, if he progresses.
15. Every time we help others our father gives us knowledge and teaches us something new.
16. Every time we repeat the syllabus we understand better.
17. If we are teaching we create a center of gravity around the esoteric work.
18. If we stop teaching we get stuck in the other two factors.
19. The various selves want us to forget this job. If we do not teach that will happen.
Different forms to sacrifice for humanity:
1. Inviting our friends, family and acquaintances to the conferences.
2. Inviting strangers.
3. Distributing leaflets and pasting posters inviting to the conferences.
4. By advertising or making ads for campaigns.
5. Preparing yourself to dictate the conference.
6. Learning to teach to lose the fear that don’t allow us to do
7. Giving introductions to the new students.
8. Dictating conferences.
9. Opening rooms where you can teach this Knowledge.
10. Preparing staff to continue teaching.
11. Supervising the staff who prepares to teach
12. Motivating People to practice the three factors.
13. Leading groups.
14. Waking consciousness to guide others.
If we prove the strength received when we give this knowledge we will begin to form a center of gravity in our Gnostic esoteric work.
End Conference 17.